Eurocamp Blog

Blog-Beiträge aus dem Eurocamp und unserem Freiwilligendienst

It happened a lot!

Since the last time I wrote my note it happened a lot! About the seminar in Dresden you already know from the posts of my friends.

The time after this seminar was full of tasks and work. Especially for me and Andrada in Bildungsnetzwerk. We were involved in Family Pot Media Project! Ten days between 7th and 17th December we were enjoying time with young people from Georgia, Bosnia & Herzegovina and Czech Republic working in different workshops.

Andrada was attending blog/website workshop and I chose a video/film workshop. I had an opportunity to be a part of movie team, creating movie story, choosing actors, filming scenes and cutting the movie. It was awesome experience for me! Here you can see the results of our work:

After the end of this project it was nearly Christmas. I had some time to visit ‘Christmas city’ – I mean the city with all the Christmas decorations and to buy presents for my friends and family. Magdeburg for Christmas looks really nice! Although it was a pity there was no snow :( Of course, the compulsory place to see was the Weihnachtsmarkt – with this festive atmosphere it is the place you cannot meet anywhere else.
Then it came the time to leave Magdeburg for Christmas. I was so excited to meet my family and friends after so many weeks! I had really nice Christmas time (with snow!) and the beginning of the New Year!

Now I am again in Magdeburg (and it is still no snow here… but on the other hand it is not so cold like in Poland these days). This month we have to leave the flat of Braunschweigerstrasse and move to the new one. It is quite sad for us because we really like this flat. However it is also in some way excited ;) 
Then I will tell you the first experience in the next note :)

Greetings Aga

Ein guter Start ins neue Jahr - EFD-Oldies vereint
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