I arrived to the railway station of Magdeburg wednesday around 6 p.m after a long travel of 10 hours. Milda and Roberta waited me with an other new volunteer : Ieva (from Latvia). And later, Monika our roommate showed us the appartment. The appartment is so cool and pleasant !! The evening, volunteers organized a little party to meet us ! It was difficult for me to understand german langage but I think it's very interesting to be making progress !
The following day at morning, I went to supermarket with Ieva to buy some stuffs... And whenwe came back to our flat, we tried to open the door... We (me in reality...) broke the keyhole... We called Konstantin and Herr Lange came and helped us. The afternoon, we went to AGSA to see our boss and our colleagues. Everybody is so nice with us !
I like being in a little city during the week to work and to be not far of the capital for week ends!