Hello readers, I hate to begin my post with an ordinary comment about the inevitable time passing, but it does really fly!
During the past two months so many things happened... I didn´t even realize that allmost 60 days had passed since my arrival, untill when we discussed it during our arrival seminar.
In fact "team Magdeburg" just spent a whole week in Dresden, where we joined 17 other young european volunteers who are currently doing their EVS somewhere in Germany . We were by far the biggest (and sometimes loudest) group, but it was anyway interesting to have the chance of confronting ourselves and exchanging opinions. We presented our projects, we talked about the rights and duties of the volunteers and hosting organization, we discussed topics such as cultural differencies, intercultural communication and conflict management...
It was for me a stimulating week, who filled me up with new ideas, goals and projects that I want to realize during this EVS year. It also helped me summ up what happened so far, and take a look at where I want to go next.
And besides, it was also a great time spent in company with interesting new people :) I am already looking forward the next seminar in March!