Eurocamp Blog

Blog-Beiträge aus dem Eurocamp und unserem Freiwilligendienst


Yesterday we finally did our performance. Everything went better than in the general rehearsal and the show looked really nice:D Our scene, the opening scene, went really well all though Anastasija couldn´t act with us.

 My favorite scenes were the marionettes and the washingmashine scene while they looked professional and were really funny.The conserts that followed were also really good and it´s clear that the band had practised very much and they were soo good:D When Virgílio took his drumsolo the crowd couldn´t do anything but stare at him, it was that amazing. And when he finished the applause was HUGE!!

 But jumping into something else.. I hate the flies here. Apperantly they really like me, I´m something new and fresh to them! I´m like their Bella Swan, the girl from Twilight books series (and movie) that the vampire Edward can´t resist. My blood is irrisistable!

Bald gehts los!!!
Just two days left


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