It is hard to believe but I am almost in the middle of my EVS adventure! It seems that I came yesterday but on the other hand I have already experienced a lot too.
In the half-way of EVS we have the opportunity to verify our experiences and goals during so called Zwischentreffen für Europäische Freiwillige. It is five-day long seminar where all volunteers from particular states meet and talk about e.g. their projects and further possibilities. We – volunteers from Magdeburg –we spent there the whole previous week. And we are satisfy with this time.
Ja, wir haben in die neue Wohnung umgezogen. Ich kann sagen, dass ich diese Wohnung mag – es ist gut gelegen und mein Zimmer ist sehr gemütlich. Allerdings ist es ein bisschen anstrengend, dass seit fast 3 Wochen wir diesen Umzug nicht zu Ende können.
Since the last time I wrote my note it happened a lot! About the seminar in Dresden you already know from the posts of my friends.
The time after this seminar was full of tasks and work. Especially for me and Andrada in Bildungsnetzwerk. We were involved in Family Pot Media Project! Ten days between 7th and 17th December we were enjoying time with young people from Georgia, Bosnia & Herzegovina and Czech Republic working in different workshops.
Yes - finally I found some time to tell you what I am doing here. Firstly... My name is Agnieszka. I came here from Poland.
I had many months to prepare myself to EVS but that time has passed so fast and suddenly I found myself in Magdeburg. To be honest, my first impression was not so good. Actually, I was terrified – language that I cannot understand, people that I have never met before and such a long way home…