Eurocamp Blog

Blog-Beiträge aus dem Eurocamp und unserem Freiwilligendienst

Winter is coming...

Greetings from Magdeburg! As the weeks go by, the climate in Magdeburg is changing. For now, I have to say I've been able to adapt surprinsingly well to the cold weather. Mostly because I have been already been advised that it's going to get much much worse!
At AGSA, things are already in full swing. I have mostly been helping with the website and some publications. It's definitely exciting to see the posters I've been working on and postcards printed. :)

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Granada to Magdeburg; a new chapter begins.

A little more than a week ago I arrived at the Magdeburg Bus Station. It was cold, dark and I had no idea what to expect. A new city, new faces and a new position at the einewelt haus were awaiting me. 

The first contact with the other EVS volunteers has been great so far. We have bonded quite nicely and help each other in any way we can in these first few weeks of uncertainty. 

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