I am here for I think, 5 days and so far, it is really nice... From the first day it was exciting for me ´couse I have met a lot of nice people, and also the first day was an adventure, we went to Hamburg and had an amasing time (and by we, I mean my roomates Analisa and Filip, and also Agnese and Jonathan).
.And it was a bit funny for me because I haven't yet seen Magdeburg, but I visited Hamburg :)..I also seen a some of the city parts and went for a walk in the huge park with Agnese..I like the nature, I was loking foward spending my days in the nature, biking or something.. Anyway, there are some things I really don't like, the fact we are not having internet at home, so i feal like in Middle ages a bit :D..But ok, I am hoping that will be fixed in few weeks the most :)
That is all from me for now :))))
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