Eurocamp Blog

Blog-Beiträge aus dem Eurocamp und unserem Freiwilligendienst

My first month as an EVS volunteer

Three weeks ago I arrived in the city of Magdeburg, Saxony-Anhalt, full of hope, but at the same time anxious about the challenges we - as new volunteers - would meet during our stay here. After finishing my Bachelor studies, I decided to volunteer for one year in another country because I wanted to be part of a multicultural team of volunteers and learn

more from the people I meet. Although I had no proper German skills prior to applying for this EVS, I had the chance to join an intensive German class and thus start my personal adventure with the German language. Thus far I can just say that I am not only excited about learning a new language, but also about all the new skills we will have acquired by the end of our volunteership in Magdeburg.

As a graduate of International Relations and European Studies, I believe there is not better way to improve your knowledge and broaden your horizon than by working side on side with people coming from different backgrounds and this is exactly what thsi EVS offers us. Me and Agnieszka are more than excited about our work at the Bildungsnetzwerk and we are grateful that we have been given the chance of creating and managing our own project during our stay here. 

For those of you who are thinking about a volunteership abroad, I heartily recommend going on an EVS since I believe that it is a once in a lifetime personal and professional experience which could give you the impetus to continue working in an international environment. 

It is still early to tell you more about our work, but I'll be back with news soon!

Bis bald,


Welcome note
Winter is coming...


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