Exactley 12 days ago I arrived in Magdeburg, the city that is going to be my home for the next 11 months and a half. Untill that moment I had never been to any former GDR city, except for Berlin. Visually, it's been an interesting change from Kiel, the big German north to which I had grown fond of in the course of my Erasmus year.
The change of architecture and landscape is nothing, anyway, if I look back at the day of my arrival in Kiel, when I had to drag by myself my many heavy suitcases all the way from the train station to the empty university dorms. This time at the bus station I found my three new flatmates, waiting for me to give me the warmest welcome in the my new life in East Germany, cheering up the appartment with their many languages and colors.
The very next day after my arrival the reunion and introduction to AGSA, and more spectifically the einewelt haus, finally allowed me to give a face to the collegues I had been picturing in the last months. Looking forward to discover more!
Even the first Sprachcafé meeting that took place last Thursday went smoothly and better than expected: after a slow start people began to fill the room and in about 4 hours I have met more people than what I had managed to meet in Kiel during my first month there.
An old italian proverb says: "il buon giorno si vede dal mattino". Literally: "you can tell how the rest of your day will be like even just by the way it starts". So far, it's looking good :)